Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

American Fuzzy Lop

American Fuzzy Lop, is the result of mating two holland lop rabbit from a recessive gene. Petty was a rabbit developed a type of the AFL (american fuzzy lop) and as a pioneer of breeding rabbits ARBA fuzzies presented in 1985 as the first generation in rabbit AFL ARBA convention in Houston Texas. American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit has a maximum weight of 4 kg with 3 kg of ideal weight. Having presented the third time, the revised standard weight to 4 kg. In 1989 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, "Herbie" was selected as the first to get the Best of Breed (BOB) American Fuzzy Lop Arba to the Convention. AFL rabbit was introduced as the rabbits that meet ARBA standards in 1991-1995, representing the best rabbit fuzzies.

   In our country Indonesia types of American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit has a lot of spread, Lampung is one area where the deployment of American Fuzzy Lop rabbit species, precisely in Gisting, Tanggamus a rabbit breeder named Musyafa has collected about 10 head, a little is because the price is relatively expensive, so need merogok pocket quite a lot., the sale price is usually between rabbit-Rp.750.000 Rp.500.000 for breeders, while for anakannya typically range between 50,000, 150,000 prices, if you are interested to buy please contact: 085 269 090 599, Bandar Lampung.

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